Web Proposal Best Practices
When producing a web proposal at Yoobee School of Design, you should:
- Ensure document is free of spelling or grammar mistakes
- Give the document a clear information heirarchy that can be skimmed easliy
- Describe functionality and structure clearly through diagrams
- Be explicit when showing concept development
- Favour visualisation tools (diagrams, charts, mock-ups, etc) over text. Avoid walls of text
- Include all necessary components from the Yoobee Web Proposal Guide
Client documentation
- Deliver in pdf format on A4 letterhead
- Ensure documentation is presented professionally to a standard that could be shown to a client
- Keep the language to a technical level suitable for the client
- Ensure planning is complete and proposal is signed off by client prior to development
Internal documentation
- Keep the language to a technical level suitable for your team members
The Yoobee Web Proposal Guide can be found here: Yoobee Web Proposal Guide